Quintillion is equal to 1018 (S) or 1030 (L).
- The Earth contains about 326 quintillion gallons of water.
- The distance from the Milky Way to Andromeda Galaxy is about 11.73 quintillion miles.
- A single drop of water contains 1.7 quintillion water molecules.
- A quintillion words is about 11 trillion books.
- A sphere of a quintillion gallons of water is 120 miles wide.
- A tower of a quintillion people would reach 180 lightyears high.
- A quintillion seconds is about 31 billion years, over twice the age of the universe.
- A count to a quintillion takes about 200 billion years.
- SI Prefix: exa- (S)/weka- (L)
- SI Reciprocal Prefix: atto- (S)/veco- (L)
- Aarex Tiaokhiao - Hetillion, ocdoocol, 18-noogol
- Russ Rowlett - Hexillion
- Username5243 - Pentillion